Publications reach a larger audience than presentations (and get higher academic recognition ), so I have done some, though I confess that I do not feel right when I see my works on dead trees.
Programa de Archivo, Impresión y Procesamiento Estadístico para Audiometrías. Giralt, V., Urquiza, R. Published in Anales de Otorrinolaringología, Vol 2, no. 3. December 1987.
Thesaurus SPORT. Códigos Temáticos. Español-Inglés. Book. Aquesolo, J.A.., Biedma, Y., García, C., Giralt, V. Number 20 in the series "Deporte y Documentación". UNISPORT/Junta de Andalucía. Málaga, 1992.
Base de datos del deporte andaluz en videotexto. Giralt, V. et al. Number 5 in the series "Papeles del Deporte". UNISPORT/Junta de Andalucía 1994.
Herramientas informáticas y redes de comunicaciones y el deporte. Giralt, V. in UNISPORT: El deporte hacia el siglo XXI number 9 in the series Deportes. IAD/Junta de Andalucía, Málaga, pp. 251-258, 1995.
Example of Privacy Management in a Public Sector Organizational Electronic Directory. Giralt, V. et al., in Cunningham P., Cunningham M. (Eds.) Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1386-1393, 2007
Federated Identity Infrastructure for the Andalusian Universities. Deployment of a Multi-technology Federation V. Giralt, et al., in Cunningham P., Cunningham M. (Eds.) Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1139-1144, 2008
Identity Based Clusters of Applications for Collaboration and eLearning, J.A. Accino, M. Cebrian, and V. Giralt, the 15th European University Information Systems Organisation (EUNIS) congress, EUNIS 2009, IT: Key of the European Space for Knowledge, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Design and Implementation Details of the Public Andalusian Universities Identity Federation CONFIA, M. Ramos, et al., the 16th European University Information Systems Organisation (EUNIS) congress, EUNIS 2010, University Information Systems: Selected Problems, University of Warsaw, Poland, pp. 217-224
Definition of a Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Schema for Academia (SCHAC), V. Giralt and R. McDuff, RFC 6338, IETF, 2011
dUMA: comprehensive personal information management, J.A. Accino, et al., the 17th European University Information Systems Organisation (EUNIS) congress, EUNIS 2011, Maintaining a Sustainable Future for IT in Higher Education, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland