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location: Phones

My addiction to phones dates back to the nineteen seventies when I started collecting old phones with mechanical rotary dials. I extended the phone network in my parents, even at a time when fiddling with the phone lines was not exactly legal.

That led to my interest for modems that got me into computer communications. I have owned all kinds of them (some of which are still laying around my home lab), from basic 300 baud + videotext intercal ISA cards, through v96 56k baud + fax + GSM PCMCIA cards.

This addiction has extended to present times when I enjoy writing dialplans for Asterisk, which I discovered back in the late nineteen nineties, or connecting ISDN BRI and PRI lines both land linea and mobile. And, of course, VoIP.

Mobile communications have also grabbed my attention and I have used portable phones since the early days before GSM (1996), and have used the whole line of Nokia communicators but 9300, that, of course, have become part of my private collection.

The convergence of computers and phones have resulted in joining three of my passions: phones, computers and networking. This makes for a lot of fun in my free time, like diverting calls over several networks, including the Internet, and all of it legally!.