= Presentations = I do like telling others what I have learnt doing things in order to increase each other's knowledge. I'm a strong believer in the commons, so, it makes sense that all my materials are licensed [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/|CC BY-NC-SA]]. === 1989 === ==== July ==== '''Ultimos avances en Informática''' at ''I Jornadas sobre Tecnología del Deporte''. Málaga, Spain. === 1991 === ==== March ==== '''Experiencias de UNISPORT con el software de recuperación documental CDS/ISIS de UNESCO''' at ''III Jornadas sobre Documentación Deportiva: Una base de datos para el deporte''. Málaga, Spain. ==== October ==== '''idEc: base de datos on-line en texto completo del boletín del Clearing House del Consejo de Deporte para Todos de Europa''' at ''Jornadas sobre Deporte Municipal: Software Deportivo Español''. Málaga, Spain. === 1992 === ==== March ==== '''idEc (Informaci¢n Deportiva Europea Computerizada): Base de datos de texto completo del boletín de Información Deportiva del Clearing House del Consejo de Europa''' at ''I Congreso Internacional y muestra sobre Informática y Nuevas Tecnologías en el Deporte''. Torremolinos, Spain. '''El área de bases de datos y comunicaciones. Introducción a la industria de bases de datos''' at ''I Congreso Internacional y muestra sobre Informática y Nuevas Tecnologías en el Deporte''. Torremolinos, Spain. '''Bases de datos accesibles on-line desde UNISPORT''' at ''I Congreso Internacional y muestra sobre Informática y Nuevas Tecnologías en el Deporte''. Torremolinos, Spain. ==== June ==== '''Formas de acceso y costes de las bases de datos en línea''' at the 6^th^ annual meeting of DS-SI (Sports Information Experts Committee) for the Council of Europe. Madrid, Spain. ==== July ==== '''idEc database, full text of the Sports Information Bulletin of the Council of Europe Sports for All Clearing House Spanish version: conversion of the published text into a BRS loadable format''' at ''Olympic Scientific Congress 1992''. Benalmádena, Spain. '''idEc database, full text of the Sports Information Bulletin of the Council of Europe Sports for All Clearing House Spanish version: loading of the documents on the distribution system''' at ''Olympic Scientific Congress 1992''. Benalmádena, Spain. '''Data transfer between BRS/Search and CDS/ISIS document database management systems''' at ''Olympic Scientific Congress 1992''. Benalmádena, Spain. '''Automatic loading of UNISPORT library "funds" stored in BRS/Search document DBMS LMS (Libary Management System) onto a UNESCO CDS/ISIS database''' at ''Olympic Scientific Congress 1992''. Benalmádena, Spain. '''idEc database: design of a full text database for on-line distribution of the Sports Information Bulletin of the Council of Europe Sports for All Clearing House''' at ''Olympic Scientific Congress 1992''. Benalmádena, Spain. === 1993 === ==== October ==== '''Tipos de bases de datos''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. ==== October ==== '''Bases de datos de texto completo de UNISPORT''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. '''Equipamiento utilizado en el área de las bases de datos''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. '''Modos de distribución de las bases de datos''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. '''Teoría sobre tecnolog¡a del CD-ROM''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. === 1994 === ==== March ==== '''Bases de datos en línea, del productor al usuario''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. '''El distribuidor DIALOG''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. '''Bases de datos on-line de UNISPORT''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. '''Minitel. El videotexto francés''' at ''IV jornadas UNISPORT sobre Documentación deportiva''. Málaga, Spain. ==== April ==== '''Sistemas de información aplicada al deporte: el acceso de los usuarios a la información deportiva''', six hours sesion included in ''Máster en Medicina y ciencias aplicadas''. Medical School, Cádiz, Spain. === 1995 === ==== January ==== '''Los sistemas de información como herramientas para mejorar la competitividad''' at ''I Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Empresarios''. Santander, Spain. This presentation was sponsored by the EC IMPACT programme and included an on-line demo to nearly 500 people, this was a ''big thing'' at the time. ==== April ==== '''Introducción General a Internet''' at a course about Internet organized by Sociedad Española de Biblioteconomía and sponsored by the EC IMPACT programme. Málaga, Spain. ==== May ==== '''Servicios avanzados de Telecomunicaciones para la investigación científica''' at ''V jornadas sobre Documentación Deportiva, 'Documentación científica y principios de investigación deportiva'' together with the annual plenary of IASI (International Association of Sports Information). Málaga, Spain. ==== October ==== '''Recursos Informáticos de la Universidad de Málaga''', four hours session included in a course on Biomedical Documentation organised by the Málaga University Hospital Library and the University ICT Services. Málaga, Spain. ==== November ==== '''Introducción a las redes de ordenadores''', ten hours inside update courses for University of Málaga personnel. Málaga, Spain. === 1996 -2004 === {{{#!wiki caution This gap does not mean I stood still, it only means that I have no records of what I did and I was trying to find something that allowed me to create presentations in an easier way, until I found L^A^T,,E,,X Beamer, that I can easily process with some Unix tricks and produce a nice list from my presentation sources. }}} === 2005 === ==== May ==== '''Comité de expansión del esquema IRIS: Resultados''' at XIX meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Málaga, Spain. '''Servicio de directorio y privacidad: usando irisUserPrivateAttribute''' at XIX meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Málaga, Spain. '''Servicio de directorio y privacidad: usando irisUserPrivateAttribute''' at XIX meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Málaga, Spain. '''Servicios web con PHP''' seminar for University of Málaga IT personnel. Málaga, Spain. ==== June ==== '''El software abierto en I+D''' panel in XI Jornadas de Informática Sanitaria en Andalucía. Málaga, Spain. '''Privacy enabled directory services''' at TNC 2005. Poznan, Poland. ==== Ocotber ==== '''Greylisting: http://www.greylisting.org/''' at XX meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Logroño, Spain. '''PAPI + openLDAP para control de acceso basado en entitlements''' at XX meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Logroño, Spain. '''Privacidad en el servicio de directorio''' at RedIRIS annual meeting. Logroño, Spain. ==== November ==== '''Managing privacy constraints in directories''' at TERENA 2^nd^ EuroCAMP. Porto, Portugal. === 2006 === ==== January ==== '''Application of URNs to Authorization and some other exotic uses''' during TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Zagreb, Croatia. ==== March ==== '''Privacidad en el servicio de directorio'''. Lecture for the Students Association of the Computer Science School, University of Huelva. Huelva, Spain. ==== April ==== '''The role of directories in Single Sign on Systems''' at TERENA 3^rd^ EuroCAMP. Ljubljiana, Slovenia. ==== May ==== '''Administración Linux''' course for IT personnel at Caja General de Granada. Granada, Spain. ==== June ==== '''Open Source como generador de riqueza o las recompensas de la libertad''' at Jornadas Tecnológias inFORMANdo. Málaga, Spain. ==== October ==== '''Directory schemas''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Málaga, Spain. ==== November ==== '''Colaboración basada en virtualización: de máquinas Xen y cromos''' at meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Granada, Spain. '''El directorio corporativo: piedra angular de la infraestructura de middleware''' at RedIRIS annual meeting. Granada, Spain. '''Visión general de Dovecot: servidor POP/IMAP seguro''' at XXII meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Granada, Spain. ==== December ==== '''Managing privacy constraints in directories''' at the European Best Practices in Data Protection for Public Administrations awards ceremony. Madrid, Spain. '''Privacidad en el servicio de directorio''' at the European Best Practices in Data Protection for Public Administrations awards ceremony. Madrid, Spain. === 2007 === ==== May ==== '''Introduction to Identity Management''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. '''Introduction to LDAP''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. '''Schemas: what are they and how to use them? Some notions on eduPerson and SCHAC''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. '''RADIUS''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. '''How to provide Authentication''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. '''The way to IdM at uma.es''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. '''Directory Servers Hands-on''' at the Identity Management Workshop for RENAM, the Moldovan Research and Educational Network. Chisinau, Moldova. ==== June ==== '''Privacy matters in directories''' at FIRST conference 2007. Seville, Spain. ==== September ==== '''SCHAC and Directories''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Prague, Czec Republic. '''URN Registry''' proposal to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Prague, Czec Republic. ==== November ==== '''Agora Virtual: e-learning federated by design''' at TERENA 6^th^ EuroCAMP. Dubrovnik, Croatia. '''Consigna: federated filesharing. Federation as an afterthought''' at TERENA 6^th^ EuroCAMP. Dubrovnik, Croatia. '''Las personas en el directorio: buscando un modelo común''' at XXIV meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Mieres, Spain. '''SCHAC: A common SCHema for ACademia''' at TERENA NRENs & Grids workshop. Málaga, Spain. ==== December ==== '''El directorio corporativo centro de la identidad digital: El servidor de Fedora''' at Jornadas Tecnológias inFORMANdo. Málaga, Spain. === 2008 === ==== February ==== '''Administración Linux''' one week advanced course on Linux usage for University of Málaga faculty and staff. Málaga, Spain. '''SCHAC and Directories''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Marseille, France. ==== April ==== '''SCHAC: A common SCHema for ACademia''', impromptu presentation for the RS^3^G EUNIS task force meeting. Dublin, Ireland. ==== May ==== '''Rome Student Systems and Standards Group. Dublin meeting report''' reporting to Refeds meeting. Bruges, Belgium. '''Seventh EuroCAMP: Federated access management''' TERENA 7^th^ EuroCAMP welcome presentation. Stockhol, Sweden. ==== June ==== '''CONFIA: Federated Identity Infrastructure for Andalusian Universities''' at EUNIS 2008. Aarhus, Denmark. '''RS^3^G and TERENA: possibility for working together''' proposal to the EUNIS RS^3^G task force meeting at EUNIS 2008. Aarhus, Denmark. '''SimpleSAMLphp: haciendo las cosas sencillas''', presentation to the work group doing the preparation for Confia. Antequera, Spain. ==== July ==== '''Directories and schemas''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Umeå, Sweeden. '''EUNIS updates''' report about presentations in EUNIS 2008 to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Umeå, Sweeden. ==== September ==== '''CONFIA: Federated Identity Infrastructure for Andalusian Universities''' at eResearch Australasia 2008. Melbourne, Australia. ==== October ==== '''SimpleSAMLphp: making things simple''' worshop inside eResearch Australasia 2008. Melbourne, Australia. '''Agora Virtual: e-learning federated by design''' at eChallenges 2008. Stockholm, Sweden. ==== November ==== '''Application access to directories: opening Pandora's box''' at TERENA 8^th^ EuroCAMP. Athens, Greece. '''eduPerson and SCHAC: sending attributes outside your organization''' at TERENA 8^th^ EuroCAMP. Athens, Greece. '''Entitlements at UMA.es: first steps into centralised AuthR''' at TERENA 8^th^ EuroCAMP. Athens, Greece. '''Provisioning guest accounts: UMA approach''' at TERENA 8^th^ EuroCAMP. Athens, Greece. ==== December ==== '''Directories and schemas''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Utrecht, Netherlands. '''SCHAC and Directories''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Florece, Italy. === 2009 === ==== Several times this year ==== '''TNC@UMA: Terena Networking Conference 2009 in Málaga'''. Briefing for local TNC 2009 sponsors. Málaga, Spain. ==== March ==== '''SCHAC: A common SCHema for ACademia''' Middleware and Grids. Zurich, Switzerland. ==== May ==== '''Application access to directories: opening Pandora's box''' at TERENA 9^th^ EuroCAMP. Cork, Ireland. '''Directories and schemas''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Loughborough, United Kingdom. '''eduPerson and SCHAC: sending attributes outside your organization''' at TERENA 9^th^ EuroCAMP. Cork, Ireland. '''Entitlements at UMA.es: first steps into centralised AuthR''' at TERENA 9^th^ EuroCAMP. Cork, Ireland. '''Provisioning guest accounts: UMA approach''' at TERENA 9^th^ EuroCAMP. Cork, Ireland. ==== June ==== '''Málaga: Three thousand years in twenty one photos''' at TERENA TF-PR meeting during TNC 2009. Málaga, Spain. '''Identity Based Clusters of Applications for Collaboration and eLearning''' at EUNIS conference 2009. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. '''irisEduPerson: Recommendations for Modeling a University into a Directory Schema''' at EUNIS conference 2009. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. ==== July ==== '''Virtualización de servidores: del hierro a la nube''' at Jornadas Tecnológias inFORMANdo. Málaga, Spain. '''Virtualización de servidores. Gestionando mi propia nube''' at Jornadas Tecnológias inFORMANdo. Málaga, Spain. ==== September ==== '''Linux avanzado: administración para administradores''' internal course for personnel at Ingenia. Málaga, Spain. ==== October ==== '''Estándares de gestión de identidades y accesos. Identidad federada: la experiencia de la UMA''' at IIR tercer encuentro de Gestión de Acceso e Identidades. Madrid, Spain. '''Virtualización de servidores: del hierro a la nube''' at Jornadas Tecnológias inFORMANdo. Málaga, Spain. ==== November ==== '''CONFÍA: estado del proyecto'''. Private briefing to AUPA-TIC. Málaga, Spain. === 2010 === ==== January ==== '''Bolonia... y después ¿qué?''' at first Confia workshop for technicians and users. Antequera, Spain. '''CONFÍA: estado del proyecto''' at first Confia workshop for technicians and users. Antequera, Spain. '''El CAU: ¡¿federado?!''' at first Confia workshop for technicians and users. Antequera, Spain. '''El directorio corporativo centro de la identidad digital''' two day seminar for University of Málaga IT personnel. '''Grupos UMA: una herramienta para colaborar''' at OTEA 27. Málaga, Spain. '''Préstamo, obtención y publicación @CONFIA''' at first Confia workshop for technicians and users. Antequera, Spain. ==== March ==== '''eduPerson - SCHAC - irisPerson: la sopa de los atributos o cómo nos entendemos en la federación''' at seminars for Confia federation technical personel. Seville and Granada, Spain. '''FIAM: how can it help our project''' at RS^3^G Mobility project meeting. Bologna, Italy. ==== April ==== '''I have an IdP, now what? Resitve AAI v univerzitetnih okoljih / AAI solutions in university environs''' ARNES Konferecne keynote. Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. ==== June ==== '''A proposal for federating current and legacy applications and services''' at EUNIS Conference 2010. Warsaw, Poland. '''Confía: Design and implementation details of the Public Andalusian Universities Identity Federation''' at EUNIS Conference 2010. Warsaw, Poland. '''Move around our virtual campus''' at EUNIS Conference 2010. Warsaw, Poland. '''Portal UMA: poniendo los cimientos'''. Internal reserved presentacion. Málaga, Spain. ==== July ==== '''Directories and schemas''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Vienna, Austria. ==== September ==== '''Directories and schemas''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Copenhage, Denmark. '''!WiFi portals and end user support''' proposal to the TF-MNM TERENA task force. Copenhage, Denmark. ==== October ==== '''CONFÍA: historia de un proyecto''' presentation to CRUE-TIC meeting . Jaén, Spain. '''Tengo un IdP ¿y ahora qué?: de ''tenemos que montar un directorio'' a la federación global''' at IIR cuarto encuentro de Gestión de Acceso e Identidades. Madrid, Spain. '''Una red para sobrevivir una TNC''' at RedIRIS Foro !WiFi. Madrid, Spain. '''Virtualización de servidores: Gestionando mi propia nube''' at Jornadas Tecnológias inFORMANdo. Málaga, Spain. ==== November ==== '''Academic data mobility & Liaisons''' activity report to the TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Bologna, Italy. '''Application Integration at the University of Málaga''' at TERENA 2^nd^ Advanced EuroCAMP. Budapest, Hungary. '''LoA and attributes: as we all see it''' sumarizing group disucssion during TERENA 2^nd^ Advanced EuroCAMP. Budapest, Hungary. '''schacPersonalUnique ID, RS^3^G: y otras yerbas''' at XXVI meeting of RedIRIS task forces. Córdoba, Spain. '''SCHAC <> URNReg''' status report and discussion prompter during TF-EMC^2^ TERENA task force. Bologna, Italy. === 2011 === ==== February ==== '''from Identity to mobility''' presentation to a delegation of Chinese academia at INTA. Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain. ==== March ==== '''Trust model for EMAM: how can it help our project''' at RS^3^G Mobility Coding Camp. Barcelona, Spain. ==== April ==== '''eduroam en el autobus: una primicia mundial''' at @ASLAN session for award finalists presentations. Madrid, Spain. '''Identidad y privacidad: cómo diferenciarnos sin que se sepa quiénes somos o qué hacemos''' invited lecture at the ''Semana cultural de Informática'' organized by the Computer Science Students Association of the University of Málaga. Málaga, Spain. ==== May ==== '''dUMA: comprehensive personal information management''' lightning talk inside TNC 2011. Prague, Czec Republic. ==== June ==== '''dUMA: comprehensive personal information management''' at EEEMA eID Management. Tallin, Estonia. '''dUMA: comprehensive personal information management''' at EUNIS 2011. Dublin, Ireland. ==== October ==== '''Identidad y privacidad: cómo diferenciarnos sin que se sepa quiénes somos o qué hacemos''' regular lecture to students in the first course of Málaga School of Journalism and Information Sciences. Málaga, Spain. ==== December ==== '''dUMA: un gestor exhaustivo de la información personal''' at RedIRIS annual meeting. Valladolid, Spain.